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  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 1 - Loneliness

    QUEST 1 (Cat Hair)

  • Get the Scissors
  • Use the Scissors on the puppet girl in one of the houses
  • You will find some orange string on the floor.
  • If you’ve spoken to the witch already, you can give this string to the purple cat.
  • He will give you a single cat hair.
  • Bring the cat hair to the cauldron in the witch’s house.
  • QUEST 2 (Red Mushroom)

  • Get the Scissors
  • Make sure to talk to the plague doctor girl in the main area.
  • Afterwards, go upwards and interact with the yellow flowers found by the scarecrow.
  • You’ll trigger the scarecrow to speak, talk to him a few times until he allows you to take some of the flowers.
  • Use the scissors on the flowers to take one.
  • Bring the flower back to the plague doctor girl to acquire the fungus solution.
  • You can bring the fungus solution to the mushroom girl in the eastern area to trigger a cutscene & get the red mushroom.
  • Bring the red mushroom to the cauldron in the witch’s house.
  • If both quests are accomplished, the witch should leave and be outside of her house speaking with the plague doctor. You can interact with either of them to initiate a small cutscene. Afterwards the witch will go back inside.

    Speak to the witch again and she will mention a character named Eyelet (the juggling doll woman who stands by the original location of the scissors). Talk to Eyelet after this to get the blue doorknob.

    Use the doorknob on the door to the next area.

    Chapter 2 - Regression

    this chapter similarly has multiple questlines to follow. Rather than needing multiple items for the same purpose, the goal is to help apartment residents leave The Complex behind.

    QUEST 1 (Resident with broom on second floor)

  • go up to the fourth floor, and enter room 402 (check the plaques on the wall to see what room number you’re entering)
  • Inside will be a piano player
  • Listen to the piano player’s song all the way through- it should be about a minute. The window needs to be focused due to engine limitations.
  • When the song is done, a text box will pop up and the piano player will slide to the side.
  • Talk to him and get the candy item.
  • Bring the candy to the sweeping man on floor 2. This will cause him to leave his broom behind, which you can now pick up.
  • The broom will be important in quest #4. You can skip this point if you’ve already used the broom to acquire a new item.
  • go up to the third floor and find the sweeping man again to return his broom to him. You will get a small cutscene & the character will leave the building.
  • QUEST 2 (Tv Head resident on third floor)

  • You will find a character who has lost his keys on the third floor.
  • The keys are found on the fourth floor, in the room to the topleft of the map.
  • If you wander the maze for a bit, you will get a hint as to find the key you are looking for. Since this is a guide, I’ll just tell you.
  • Enter doors with a purple brick tile above them in order to progress to the next room.
  • Eventually you will find a big room with stars littered about. Go to the right and you will find another doorway to enter. You should be in an outside area & the key will be there.
  • At this point, the maze has nothing else that is required to beat the game.
  • Go back to the resident who needs his key. He will thank you and go back into his room. Follow him, and you will find a plank of wood in there. Take it as it will be used in Quest #3.
  • Afterwards you can either speak to him again or attempt to leave, both will trigger the same cutscene.
  • QUEST 3 (long haired resident on second floor)

  • Speaking to this character will reveal that you need to bring back a mirror.
  • The mirror is found on the third floor. Use the plank of wood you got in the TV Head man’s room to cross the gap near the bottom of the map.
  • You will go down a hallway. The room at the end has the mirror inside.
  • Bring the mirror back to the 2nd floor resident and use it.
  • After seeing some dialogue, use your scissors too.
  • You will need to speak to this character once more to trigger some more dialogue along with the leaving cutscene.
  • The hair will be left behind.
  • QUEST 4 (purple girl on third floor)

  • On the third floor, you will find a strange girl who mentions wanting an item that is a remnant of someone’s past.
  • Use the broom you got earlier in order to sweep up the hair left on floor 2.
  • Bring it back to her, and she will leave.
  • At this point, you can go back downstairs & speak to the secretary on the first floor. She will leave as well, allowing you to re-enter The Landlord’s office. What’s next is relatively straightforward.

    Chapter 3 - Grief

    After starting the chapter proper by leaving Lorena’s house, there are two questlines that you must complete that converge at the end.

    You can also keep going south from Lorena’s house to meet up with the kids from the beginning. However, this isn’t strictly required until later.

    QUEST 1 (opening the red bunker)

  • right from Lorena’s house, there will be a church. Go up from here, into the forest.
  • You will find a frustrated artist. Walk past him for now.
  • Above him is a bug who is doing drawings. You can speak to her in order to trigger an event where she draws you. Stay still in order to complete the event.
  • You will get the drawing.
  • Show the drawing to the frustrated artist from before. He will get upset and leave behind his watering can.
  • Take the watering can.
  • In the bottom left area across the map, you will find a frog and an invisible girl. Interact with the girl using the watering can.
  • She will fade away, leaving her umbrella behind.
  • You can use the umbrella to open the red bunker door directly right of Lorena’s house.
  • QUEST 2 (meeting a character inside of the bunker)

  • Go inside of the church & inspect the large stained glass window
  • This will trigger a cutscene and a character to walk up from the bottom of the screen.
  • Speak to him.
  • He will tell you about himself and offer a pair of glasses.
  • Bring the glasses to an old woman in the house with a yellow roof. She will begin knitting, and the basket next to her can now be picked up.
  • Left of the town area, there is a path by the river. Keep going left until you find a room with a frog and an invisible girl.
  • Use the basket on the darker green patch of grass near the frog.
  • You can now jump on the rocks to lure the frog into the basket
  • Interact with the basket to take the fishing lure from the frog
  • Go right and up and give the lure to the fishing woman on the pier. She will thank you and leave, leaving the path across the river open.
  • You will find a house with a character inside. She mentions that she is looking for someone else. Once you see this dialogue, you will be able to find this other character inside the underground bunker.
  • Go back to the dilapidated house after speaking to the girl inside the bunker.
  • You will get a new cutscene and the characters will get out of your way. Interact with the chest in the back of the house to get the framed photo.
  • After getting the framed photo, you will now be required to meet up with the kids from before. After speaking to Tin once, show him the framed photo. This will trigger a cutscene & a game of hide and seek.

  • Mercury is hiding near the bug in the forest.
  • Sliver is hiding by the river in front of Lorena’s house. Go through the trees above him in order to reach him.
  • Tin is hiding near the river where the frog was caught.
  • When you find all three of them, go back to the southern clearing. A cutscene will automatically trigger.
  • Copper can be found to the bottom left of the area where the fisherwoman was before. Talk to him & get a cutscene where he gives you the pink doorknob.

    After this cutscene you can use the doorknob to leave the chapter. The pink door is found directly right of the cemetery.

    Chapter 4 - Regret

    Chapter 4 is much shorter & more straightforward than the rest. All directions from here on out will be in relation to the "main" area, the one with the save bench that trigger’s the chapter’s music to start.

  • To the top right, there is a small shore with sandcastles littered about. There is a shovel here that you can pick up. This is important later.
  • Keep going left from the main area until you find a group of crabs. Interact with the dead crab in the middle using the scissors. You will get the crab’s claw.
  • Now go right from the main area. You will find a boat tied to a tree here which you can use the claw on to cut.
  • You can now ride the boat across the water.
  • On the other side you will find an X on the ground. You can use the shovel here.
  • After a small cutscene, there will be a compass on the ground that you can pick up.
  • This compass will point in one of four directions & following it will allow you to progress through the impassable maze in this area (found by going left from the main area, and then going up).
  • After completing the maze, you will see a cutscene with a new character. Follow them using the compass once again.

    At the end of this second maze, you’ll see another cutscene. After this, you can talk to the character. Show them the compass to progress their dialogue. Afterwards, you can leave.

    Chapter 5 - Apathy (+ endings)

    Chapter 5 is also very straightforward and mostly consists of cutscenes - just keep going upwards.

    Once you see the white save bench, the game is almost over. All three of the main endings are accessible from this room. If you are on track for the fourth ending, you won't be able to access any of the other ones.

  • Two different endings are accessed by going upwards. You will see a cutscene, and you will have to choose whether to act or not as the screen fades black.
  • The third ending is accessed by avoiding this confrontation entirely, going left from the white bench instead.
  • The fourth ending is intentionally difficult to get. I like keeping the secret alive. But i'll be nice and give you some hints.
  • #1 - Someone in the forest has a special request before you leave.
  • #2 - It is possible to go back upstairs before the final confrontation.
  • #3 - be extra careful here— picking up certain items will cause time to pass.
  • #4 - if you’ve done all of these things, then when asked a question near the end, don’t give the obvious answer.
  • After you've seen these four events, continue Chapter 5 as normal. The changes might not be obvious at first, but just have a little hope. You'll get there in the end.
  • Thank you for reading. If there are any issues with this guide, please don't hesitate to let me know.